Sunday, October 23, 2011

Intro paragraph

    The world is said to be divided into three parts there's the rich, the middle class, and then the poor.

Well this theory is wrong in fact there is one more and we classify those people as less then poor.

These type of groups live in places we call slums which are run down areas with tons of people

crowded into small areas like shacks. Slums have a negative impact on human population's because

the inhabitants of the slums can get easily sick due to pollution in the air, governments do not always

help these people living in slums so they have tho take car of them selves, and there are high rates of

death during natural disasters due to poor shelter structure and the fact that the structures they live in are

so close tho each other. Slums have the highest rates of pollution making living almost impossible, people

living in slums always have a risk of dying to small fevers or colds. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Outline Part 5

 V. Conclusion

 A.Hook:So you now see what kind of conditions these people are living in.

 B.Restate thesis:In the places inhabitants can get easily sick due to pollution, governments give little to no help to these people living in slums, and there are high rates of death during natural disasters due to poor shelter structure.

C.Summarize arguments:This happens everywhere on every slum to everyperson. It effects eveyone that lives there and people are doing nothing to help them. So what will you do to help them will you sit by and let it go on or will actually do something that can help?

D.Leave the reader with something to think about: Stuff like this does happen and thes people need are help. 

Outline Part 4

IV.Defendable Point#3

A.Main Idea[Topic Sentence]:  People that live in these slums are victim to natural disasters full force.

B.Supporting evidence:They live in small poor structures that fall down easily.

C.Explanation:There very close to each other to making it more dangerous. The ground is not strong so the buildings fall under it self. The people living in these homes have to choices they either die or they come out severely injured. The sad thing about this is that they really do not get a choice they just sit and hope for the best.

D. Transition sentence to conclusion paragraph:This is a great example of the govenment not helping them the all have to rebuild all by them selves.

Outline Part 3

III.Defendable Point#3

 A.Main Idea[Topic sentence]: These slums get little to no help by the government so a lot of deaths and crimes in the slums go unanswered.

B.Supporting evidence: They also get no needed resources like food, clean water, and tools to make structures better.

C.Expanation:People are dying left and right so much that people dying doesn't really effect people as much. They know there not gonna get help so they take things into their own hand.

D.Transition sentence to next paragraph:Their independent because they half to be independent.

Outline Part 2

II.Defendable Point#1

A.Main Point[Topic Sentence]:Life on slums is hard for people because everyone is always getting sick.

B.Supporting evidence:One thing you should note is that slums aren't in the middle of no where there right on the outskirts of some major cities.

C.Explanation:The people in these large cities pretty much use the slums as there personal trash can. This leaves the environment of the slums almost impossible to live in. You can get sick real easily and its hard to breath because the atmosphere is so thick of air pollution. People die to common colds and flu's that people like us blow over in a few days.

D.Transition sentence to next paragraph:The government doesn't support these places so it just goes on unanswered.

Outline Part 1

Topic: What are slums and how does the existence of slums affect human populations around the world?
I. Introduction
A.Hook: The world is divided into three parts right there's the rich, the middle class, and then the poor.

B.Introduce to reader to what a slum is:Well in fact there is one more and we classify those people as less then poor. These type of groups live in places we call slums.

C.Thesis Statement:Slums have a negative impact on human population's because the inhabitants of the slums can get easily sick due to pollution, governments do not always help these people living in slums, and there are high rates of death during natural disasters due to poor shelter structure.

D.Transition to first paragraph: Slums have the highest rates of pollution making living almost impossible, people are always getting sick.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thesis Statement

All over the world there are places called slums. located on the outskirts of major cites and in the middle of nowhere slums are filled with people in poor conditions. People will sometimes ponder why do slums exist in the first place and why aren't governments the people we trust doing anything about it.